Service Times

white analog watch

Sunday Services
9:15 AM Sunday School for all ages
10:30 AM Main Service & Children’s Church

5:30 PM Youth Group
6:00 PM Evening Service

Wednesday Services
6:30 – 8 PM AWANA Clubs (Sept. – May)
6:30 – 8 PM Teen Bible Study (Grades 7 -12 – for students not in AWANA)
6:30 – 7:30 PM Evening Service

Nursery Ages 2 years & younger

Provided during all services, unless noted. Parents with children in the Nursery must stay on the church premises.

What should I expect?

Sunday Morning Services include a time of praise and worship, scripture reading, an offering time, a message from the Bible, ending with an invitation time.

The offering is intended for our members and regular attenders. As our guest, you are under no obligation to give to the church.

Occasionally a Child Dedication or Baptism will follow the service.

Our normal practice is to serve communion during the Sunday Evening Service the first Sunday of each month and during the Sunday Morning Service quarterly. Our communion time is open to anyone who professes Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, you do not need to be a member of Northside Baptist Church.

What should I wear?

We are happy to have you join us for worship to God, so modest dress is appropriate, but all are welcomed. You will see styles that range from business casual with a jacket and tie, dresses and skirts, along with more casual styles of blue jeans and t-shirts.

What type of Bible do you use?

At NBC we use the King James Version (KJV) but other Bible styles are used for reference and reading. Bibles are available in each pew bench to use during services.

What is there for children?

At Northside we love our children and want to see them grow. We offer

Sunday School Classes for all ages

Children’s Church for specific ages

Youth Group


How do I get baptized or have a child dedication?

We believe in water baptism, immersion, to publicly signify that someone has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and now wants to live their life for Him. If you have trusted in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and would like to take this next step please contact the church office and one of the Pastors will be in contact with you.

We believe all children are precious in the sight of God. As parents, family members and the church family, it’s our responsibility to be examples and to raise them in a way that honors God and teaches them about His love.
We believe in water baptism to publicly signify that someone has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and now wants to live their life for Him. Rather than baby or infant baptism, as no decision has been made on their part, we have a time of child or baby dedication. This signifies that as parents, you are choosing to dedicate yourself to raising your child in God’s path for them, guiding them in the ways of Jesus until the point where they may choose to follow Him themselves. If you would like to take this next step please contact the church office and one of the Pastors will be in contact with you.

Where can I find out what you believe?

You can find more information on our What We Believe Page along with our Church Mission Statement and Church Constitution.

Northside Baptist Church
53198 County Road 9
Elkhart, IN 46514

Contact Us!